vendredi 4 janvier 2013

Environements gameplay : Desert

So about the desert part :

well it's a rocky desert with sand storms, sometimes acid rains, caves, abandonned village underground river and survivors camps.

 Fauna : 

hostile day :
desert snakes, wild dingos packs, rolling stones scorpions, vultures, sand worms.

Hostile night :
Giant sand worms, sand sharks packs, bats clouds

Hostile in caves : desert snakes, bats, spiders, blind crocodiles

Hunt loot :

Dingo skin : craft lightweight bags and pouch
Sand worms hearths : restore health and stamina
Scorpions and snakes : poisons : paralysis / death
Spiders : poison : sleep, blinding
Bats : night vision potion
Shark skin : craft medium bags
Giant sand worms : craft large  carrying bags

Friendly : mounts

Wild desert horse:
Pro : extra carry weight , Fast , Feed automatically , low distant noise, small animals flee onsight
Cons : difficult to catch alive ( trap with spider sleep poison ) flee/panic in battle, had to be trained first (skillbook required) 
favorite meal of giant sand worms.

Wild camel:
Slower than the wild horse but with twice stamina regen and increased carry capacity
Favorite meal of desert sharks.

Mechs /vehicules :

Sand reaver: a solar powered hover board!
The best way to cover medium distance in no-time!
Pro: Very low noise emition, fast as a horse, some said it can go over the acid river
Cons : can't be used and charged in the same time, no carry weight possibilities, can be damaged/ disabled/repaired.

Stormrider : (explaination coming soon..)

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