vendredi 4 janvier 2013

HUD : smart contact lens

Items has to be bought, crafted with receipes or found randomly by exploring or by completing tasks and missions.

well it's 2085 so a smartlens are the new smartphones it's the base item everybody own,
as it can contain and display in glorious augmented-reality usefull Apps.
For immersive purpose most of HUD elements can be toggled in the HUD options :

Be carreful tough, an IEM charge will temporarry disable you smart lens system.

By the way on Mars you will need to get some Mars specific Apps for it to be usefull they can be purchased in stores, or stolen/hacked :

  • Exploration Apps :

    Map :
    Allow the player to see where he is in the world and set destination markers in some vehicules it will display a voiced GPS . Maps of army-bases and outposts can't be obtained to regular shops tough.

    Weather Forecast :
    The player can plan an attack with the best weather option, for example on some outpost, electrified barriers are disabled during raining storms, wich also can hide your steps noise. Exploring desert during cosmic-radiations storms is not advised without protection,etc..

    Displays active quests

    Displayed achieved quests

    Zoom and take a screenshot! (can be a togglable to a UI-free freeze-freecam for cool action pics to share!) (can be used by weak players to easing spotting)
  • Combat Apps :

    Crosshair :
    usefull for ranged weapon users!

    Noise radius meter :
    Display the distance and level of noise you cast

    Light exposure meter :
    Display your visibility considering light and shadows

    Stamina and health meter :
    Displayed as % or bars
  •  Special Apps :

    Infrared-vision :
    You can sight better in dark areas! Classic!

    Thermal vision :
    you can spot any nearby heating sources, even thru thin wall! living creatures, engines, fires..

    Vector vision :
    if your eyes can't see or have to be closed (thick fog / blinding light) use the sensors-vision it's not very accurate but it's better than nothing in some case! (visually it looks like how kinect see you: monochromatic projected points in space)

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