vendredi 4 janvier 2013

Game story plot

" My story start in 2075, I won at a lotery celebrating the 100th flight to Mars.
The prize was a ticket for a an all-inclusive year trip at the best hotel of the red planet.

 Mars terraformation has been started in 2030.
Mars terraformation in 2030
For now only a very small portion of the planet is breathable but it already feature a few luxury hotels.

the trip to Mars was supposed to take 1 year. 6 months after the launch we loosed contact with Earth and  Mars, the programmed auto-pilot was still functionnal and we reached Mars in time.

but we did not found what we where expecting."

Mars was also left alone by the earth and no transmissions has been received since 6 month.

The population on Mars is composed by millionaires tourists hotels staffs, scentists, workers and military forces where employed to secure and manage the terraformation process and devellopement.

Human military units are assisted by robotic defense units wich also on mars for testing

 Scentists and biologists introduced on the planet a very divesified environement wich include many wild animals, plants and tree species of all kind imported from earth to sustain and recreate a balanced  ecosystem.

As the money stopped from incoming from earth many where forced to left their jobs
and start a new career to survive the crisis or make extra cash. The army wich was set there to maintain the order and manage the terraformation operations went bad, some mens decided to run their own rebellion to take over Mars, they stole weapons wich they use or sell them to the blackmarket or to the pirates.

Their goal is simple, domination by fear and violence. Some of the soldiers in hotels are good guys and decided to protect the civilians but since most of the military bases and outpost has been captured, it's getting harder to fight against their old brothers.

Hotels are turned into small fortified villages
some rooms are now used as shops, swimming-pools are used to store living fishs as food is getting rare and expensive, souvenirs shops now sells improvised weapons for defense, medical supplies, canned food, and sometimes (used) real weapons that some soldiers traded for food.

Some improvised themselves as "pirates" stealing and sometimes murdering, they live in caves or in raided hotels and outpost.

some decided to live deep in the forests, preffering to deal with wild animals than with gun wielding-money-starving humans, they are called the "hippie tribe" or "The Zonians 2.0"

in this place everything and everybody has a price! and well i had no money at this time. wich was a kind of gift, as i wasn't worthing much, i was totally ignored by everyone, contrary to the other passengers who where captured for ransom as they were rich millionaires.

the only thing I remember of my "arrival" was a voice i heard :

- "throw this one out, the record said he's not worthing much"

a moment later woke up in large field of grass in a pretty bad shape i was comtemplating the magnificience of the environement. Then a car hitted me by the left.

my eyes are closing again but i can hear a voice :

- "OMG what was he doing here?? did i just killed someone?? OMG mister, do you hear me??"

I woke up this time in a confortable hotel room, i was thinking everything was just a dream..
then the doors openend and i saw a young women, she said :

Your alive! good.. well let me explain...

then she told me everything she knowed, and a bit about her she's a famous field reporter sent there to investigate and report about "the backstage of Marsian tourisms" she told me she was on something "bigger". But she can't told me about yet, as we barely know each others i could be a spy or stuff like that.. (years on the field turned her a bit paranoid)

during a week she showed me how the system work, how to hunt to earn money, where i can find better equipement, wich creature i should avoid, wich i should hunt she wrote me a quick"survival guide to Mars under crisis" and sent me as a spy in  a near captured outpost

when in the place only a few guards where still there and I discovered that the others wen to the hotel Capturing my friend!

i have to save her! damm she's the hottest girl i know on this crazy planet! And she's kinda smart! lol

end of basic tutorial - main quest is starting

1 - find or steal a weapon,

2 - hunt and make little cash

3 - buy training lessons for some basic stealth moves / hand to hand fighting skills at the dojo or some aiming skills with a guard

4 - investigate and explore Mars

5 - get better skills, items and armors, discover many cool place

6 - meet and help peoples, free outposts prisonners to earn quick cash, get hidden treasure locations, safer the area, capturing enemies alive will grant the nearest hotel better quality items, faster recover, and discount prices. As the hotel will employ your prisonners to the good cause.

7 - survive in harsh environement

8 - use the environement and weather as a strategic advantage

9 - getting respect and support from the people, and be a major enemy for the "baddies"

10 - defeat or capture all the pirates leaders

11 - defeat or capture all the army renegades leaders

12 - defeat or capture the evil mind behind the evil project

11 - save the girl

12 - free Mars from the embargo

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